This is incredible and frightening - Kweku Baako shocked by Nitiwul's comments on burning of excavators

Veteran journalist Abdul Malik Kweku Baako

Veteran journalist Abdul Malik Kweku Baako has accused the Minister for Defence, Dominic Nitiwul, of promoting an illegality with his justification of the burning of excavators found at illegal small scale mining sites.

Baako whiles speaking on Peace FM said he could not comprehend why the state will engage in activities that are not enshrined in law.

Baako noted that the government is breaking the rules with impunity and advised the state to make laws to back its actions to avert future problems.

Kweku Baako who clashed with former Central Regional Minister Kwamena Duncan and former NDC bigwig Allotey Jacobs on the topic requested of host, Kwame Sefa Kayi to read to him the specific quotes of a statement from the Minister.

Sefa Kayi quoted Nitiwul as having said that “We are not seizing any equipment, no equipment will be returned home, they will all be destroyed on site. No excavator, nothing will come back home.”

Baako in his reaction said: “This is frightening. If state actors in the name of the state ignore an existing law and preach lawlessness, it is unfortunate. In fact I’m disappointed,” the New Crusading Guide Editor-In-Chief stressed.

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